Our song #SAYYEAH #reppingrapchat #RIPMacMiller

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@cap1#1 kinda got that vibe eh?
still good
sounds good like jedi mind tricks
Keep that grind up G I see u out here 👀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯🤘 fwmp
@Laurent God 👌🏼👍🏼
anymore and have to discontinue This was supposed to be a corny mushy lovey dovey dreamy soppy yet a sloppy track From me to you, but I think it’s time to end it too
This was SUPPOSED to be OUR song but you and I, I can’t fathom how to FUCKING CONTINUE IT WAS SUPPOSED to be a corny mushy lovey dovey dreamy soppy yet a sloppy track From me to you As I extend my fidelity and achingly everything surprisingly I have a refusal as to fancy our relationship unfortunately Always on my back about everything and anything how constantly I lay into you perpetually It’s obtaining NOTHING except more perturbation and exasperation basically Completely and permanently pushing you and I away slowly The actuality of your hostility is through THE FUCKING ROOF This was SUPPOSED to be OUR song but you and I, I can’t fathom how to FUCKING CONTINUE IT WAS SUPPOSED to be a corny mushy lovey dovey dreamy soppy yet a sloppy track From me to you I’m literally weighed down by you and have to PUSSYFOOT when we’re in amity amidst each other and admittedly it’s making me slip into insanity! HAHAHA! Everything I say is somehow to spite you, or to even make a mockery And awkwardly I try to make up for things properly but on the contrary you still say I treat you unfairly- how I see you as not a person but property yet if I say sorry you’ll say it’s nothing but empty- I’M DONE WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY?! You’ve backed me into a corner and wouldn’t let me breathe Now this is me pushing back trying to hide my emotions underneath This was SUPPOSED to be OUR song but you and I, I think we should take a break to try to figure out your issue because I’m starting not to love you even though I know I want to, I can’t keep a fake smile on anymore and have to discontinue This was supposed to be a corny mushy lovey dovey dreamy soppy yet a sloppy track From me to you, but I think it’s time to end it too
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