

actually my name says it all pretty much MC Master ceremony is right gets busy as in like gets like with a z right me like like f****** like young I'll talk about smashing like knocking boots all right if we're on the same page fellatio means dome okay so if you leave you know what I'm saying I won't be the same you know what I'm saying in by me and leave I'm talking about some of the other personalized in my in my repertoire that I have created over the years basically like after you've created one personality and use it it basically becomes it's on instituted and all itself like so when you have so many different personalities like for instance when I'm skateboarding right most of my most of my personas they skate right so if I get them all together at the same time I could skate really good same thing with the ones that can rap like you know what I'm saying like if I get them all together that can wrap really good like some of my personas rap right if I get them all together then it's a combination of a bunch of rappers that that I've listened to over the years so I would put them together when I was in Cypress sessions with some you know other other artists you know for instance I was in rehab and they were all smoke a cigarettes in the back and never like poop poop poop right bang bang pop bang bang bop you know what I'm saying ding dong bong bong bong you know what I'm saying so I was like yo I could do that I was like yo I could do that but I sound like fun it looks like fun like you know so I was like I was like yours you mind if I like you know can I jump in like you know what I'm saying what's up and you know like you like I was accepted it felt like it was cool man it was like it was like pretty tight you know I was a good feeling to have you know what I mean cuz everyone was like we were all f****** busting you know this beatboxing you know what I'm saying and like you don't understand my rhymes with all the time that was on point you know and it was like you know you hit a punchline and everyone will be jumping over like oh s*** trying to hear what he said you don't understand and I wrote a line that was f****** it was like super dope like you know what I'm saying and I memorized it really good like you know the same so I can get it so I like so I did it like when I came through and I and I I crushed it you don't understand like I crush it down you know that last words first whatever you wouldn't want to go you wouldn't want to go after me because you would have to like your s*** better be f****** on on point and proper you know cuz you come after me it's going to be like why why I usually like to be clean up crew you don't understand take it home you know what I'm saying it's pretty tight I could explain it to you the way my OG told me but he didn't use words and I can't show you like that because there's no words that he can use to explain it because he used all hand emotion his body when he was like dancing almost you know but he was dancing like slowly and then his dance got more active and then eventually he was jumping up and down like ready to chill the ceiling off you know what I'm saying and that's how I rap get it much it's like Jeffrey Dahmer or Richie Ramirez you know or just what I definitely what I do when your mom's vagina you know what I'm saying f****** yeah that's the only thing is your mom's vagina hella no I've been rapping for a long time but never really gotten away with it you know Nora had anybody that serious enough to actually you know drop some s*** down and make it sound good in the studio or whatever or even giving a chance to be able to sit in a booth and actually wrap in a boot for a couple of you know an hour cuz I can just flip the hours like you know what I'm saying I really can't like Eddie shut up I mean busy it gets busy shut up and I'm like yo yo yo you don't want to see DJ gets with it lo999ll