

From PHX Az , however born in fresno, ca. At one point i could have staked my entire being on my certainty in the RAP industry but as life usually does, it threw a curveball in the form of 4 daughters , and 1 Amazing Son. I don’t believe in “step-dad”. If I’m there 24/7-365 i AM Daddy. My girl had 3 children, and me and her made 2 more totaling with FIVE before the age of 21! Back then i looked at all this as a bad thing but as I’ve grown up (29 yrs old now) i KNOW they are only blessings and MORE to fight and motivate from. My Family life is a lot of me but the streets cant seem to let me go as i started there first. In due time right ? Thank you for reading and i hope my music and rendition of ME is something y’all l find interesting. Thank you for even 1 persons support let alone the ones to come.