Etheric Realms


My Father use to play the Last Poets on Vinyl and it awakened my being~as I and Poetry grew up together I naturally gravitated towards “Conscious” Hiphop and MC~inG. It established my perspective and we Continued to Grow Mentally, Spiritually, Physically, Soulfully. These installments are my Reflections, Perspectives, Envisions, Scrolls with Messages to add on to the Art of Griots StorytellinG and Honored Ancestors both Incarnated and Ascended. I Trust you’ll find Vitality and Inspiration from my attempts to Build in That Block Chain of DNA Rhythms and Rhymes, Like Minds Gods Goddesses and Immortal BeinGs. Keep CreatinG~Your Insight Resonates Eternal. Etheric Forensic, FinGerprints and Footprints. Keep ReachinG and OpeninG Portals for others like yourself to Move ThrouGh so they can honor you as We honor Griot MCs. Follow @planitplanet19 IG. Let’s Go~Bless Selah