Katja Gorka

@Lleelloo the Outlet

Spend one year in psychiatric jail because of Eminem learn rap music from almost get married with Marshall Madera but then I found out that they making jokes with me they have fun from me for one year spend one year on talking to Eminem about how police in Holland says to me I am talking to a clone I biet one police officer in face for that they trie to say me life is virtual and is not real fight for me life at court I lose the case and get medication for psychoses and schisofremia painful injection just to find out I can not sing also not raping just write some rimes that’s all free now trie to forget that Eminem group is sucks and forget fake marriage still love that Marshall Madders but is just fun club now I move on and don’t trap in de game now anymore don’t want spend all me life in psychiatric jail because of Eminem fake love