Johnaj Jakari


Hey wussup everyone my name is Johnaj Jakari I'm 29 born and raised in tha NOLA BAABY(New Orleans,LA)for those not familiar with the slang Lol.I have been writing songs since age 14 what started as a hobby quickly grew into my passion.I Love ALL MUSIC,ALL GENRES I've been able to write songs in ALL genre's and just experiment and explore which I LOVE.Im Loving this app so far and the best part is the AMAZING TALENT I've been honored to discover is just phenomenal and has completely blown my mind with all this GREAT DIVERSE ARTISTRY.Look forward to getting acquainted and making great connections and hopefully collaborating with some of you ROCKSTARS LET'S ALL CONTINUE TO MAKE GREAT MUSIC.Feels so good to be in same company with people who share the exact same passion as YOU,ME,ALL OF US.ONE LOVE❤🎵🔥💣💯💯